MONDAY 8:30-5
TUESDAY 8:30-7
FRIDAY 8:30-6
Easy and Convenient Online Booking Available.
Schedule appointments at your convenience.
View openings for days, weeks, even months!
Receive email appointment reminder and confirmation.
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Appointments can also be made by calling or emailing us and we will assist you in scheduling your service.
Cancellation Policy
If you need to reschedule or cancel an appointment, we require a minimum of 24-hours notice. Please call or text your practitioner at Renewed Spirit. If there is no answer, please leave your information on the voice mail and/or text your cancellation as proof of your cancellation contact.
Please keep in mind that “No-shows” or last minute cancellations are not respectful of other clients who could have come in at your appointment time. We do understand that things happen beyond our control and will do our best to accommodate your needs. Clients that "no show" appointments or give very short notice, with no call of explanation will be unable to book their next appointment online AND will charged the 50% of reserved service.
Renewed Spirit is by appointment only, your appointment time is reserved exclusively for you and we request that you please respect the cancellation policy.

Late Arrivals
If you arrive late, your session may be shortened in order to accommodate others whose appointments follow yours. Depending upon how late you arrive, your therapist will then determine if there is enough time remaining to start a treatment. Regardless of the length of the treatment actually given, you will be responsible for the “full” session. Out of respect and consideration to your therapist and other customers, please plan accordingly and be on time.

Thank you for your understanding! As always, Renew :: Revive :: Relax