My Story
I'll always be a small town girl at heart. My childhood memories include 4 a.m. milkings and baling hay in the blazing sun. Growing up in a family of 10 times we're tough. From picking up beer cans at the Maple River for toilet paper, to brushing our teeth with baking soda. I knew there was world outside this bubble I lived in, yet I had no clue how to step out into it. My first job, I cleaned toilets at a local grocery store for $10 a week and honestly thought I was the richest girl out there. The first of 8 kids to attend college, I came home with a pile of papers to sent back filled out incorrectly. Frustrated and lost, I was not giving up.
Finally, I got myself into college. At the age of 19, I saved enough money for my first apartment. Watching the tears trickle down my Mom's face was the most heartbreaking moment of my life. Through her crackling voice she said, " We will miss that shining Heidi spirit," but sincerely wished me the best of luck. When I decided to open my own business my best friend and I spent endless hours thinking of names that were catchy. Then she recalled my Mom's heartfelt message from that day. Renewed Spirit rejuvenates that SPIRIT every client want to experience.
Have a blessed day.
Heidi Foland